(Elaina has no trouble communicating her approval. Arms flapping means something is good.) It's no surprise that Chloë loves to help feed Elaina. And Elaina loves the interaction with her big sister.
In fact, Elaina loves being with Chloë pretty much all the time. When Chloë is sleeping, Elaina seems bored and lonely, and wants attention from me. When they're playing together, Chloë will sometimes get a little bit frustrated with Elaina's constant attention. Elaina will try to smash Chloë's book while she's looking at it, or sweep blocks everywhere while Chloë is trying to organize them by color or build them into something. Most of the time Chloë is really very patient with her curious little sister, and they really do have a lot of fun together.
Elaina is all over the place these days: crawling everywhere, scaling the staircase if we leave the door open, walking along furniture, trying to climb into the dishwasher when it's open, and hanging on to my pant legs while I'm in the kitchen.

Maybe it's just growing pains, but for some reason, Elaina has been quite the squealing grump lately. She figured out how to make a whiny distressed sound, and I just wish I knew what was bothering her. She doesn't seem to be teething, but I reckon a baby has a hundred reasons to fuss. This is her serious face:
She makes this sweet little noise when she's in a good mood.
She seems to be the happiest when there are people around, and when she's getting lots of attention. She loves it when her daddy comes home from work, and demonstrates her approval with flailing arms and happy squawks.
Oh, weird. A little sister scattering blocks and such in the attempt to follow a bigger sister around and play.