Saturday, June 30, 2012

Everyone Holds Elaina

A couple of weeks ago, while we were on the farm in Iowa. Elaina got so much cuddle time with everyone that she had a bit of an adjustment when we got home. She would prefer me to hold her all of the time. And I really wouldn't mind, if it weren't for the hundred things to do throughout the day.

Uncle Samuel.

First cousins once removed, Elizabeth and Anna.



Great Grandpa Moses.

Great Grandma Moses.

Great Great Aunt Nancy.

Great Grandmother.

Great Aunt Vicki.

Uncle Samuel (and Great Great Aunt Nancy).

Uncle Daniel (and Chloë).

Aunt Katie.


  1. What?! No pictures with Mimi? I know I held her quite a lot.

  2. Aww.. she's getting so big! Wish I could hold her... :(

