Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy First Brithday

My little girl is one today. I am amazed at how much she has changed in one short year. She used to be a tiny little thing that didn't do a whole lot other than sleep. She would sometimes squeak, slowly move her scrawny little arms around, and if we were lucky, open her eyes. Now she is this little person with such a huge personality, and so much life inside of her. She rarely sleeps, is always exploring and learning, and can move around the house with ease.

I knew being Chloë's mama was going to be wonderful. But the last year has been so amazing, so rich, so full of joy that I am blown away at God's grace and goodness.

Months 0 to 11, and then today, on her first birthday!

Happy First Birthday, Chloë! We sure do love you.

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