Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chloë Signs

We've been working with Chloë for a couple of months on signing "please." She doesn't seem to get it. Then a couple of weeks ago, we started giving her cheerios, and have been working on signing "more." Tonight at dinner, she did it all by herself! Still a little rough around the edges, but we are very pleased with our smart little girl.


  1. Bess, she is *brilliant*! I think this is amazing. I've watched it 3 times and I'm going back for number 4. :)

  2. We did it for several months before Timothy got it, too. I felt like giving up, but then all of a sudden he was doing them all--all done, more, water, milk... It took him a little while to get the manners--please and thank you. And we really do find it helpful. Keep at it, Mom! Great job!

  3. I am suck a slacker at teaching baby sign. But Chloe's success may just inspire me to pick it up again. Phoebe still just laughs at me when I show her a sign...its like she thinks I am telling her a joke or something.
